One of the first questions to deal with when forming a nonprofit corporation is whether the nonprofit will have a voting membership. This seems like a simple concept, but in the nonprofit context,...
Posts by admin
As noted in a previous blog post, Massachusetts law requires a nonprofit corporation to have a president, treasurer, and secretary. One person may wear all the “hats,” but that’s not...
Why Does Your Nonprofit Need Officers? How Much Power Should You Give Them?
As we noted in our last post, officers are the individuals elected by the board of directors to carry out its directives. In legal terms, officers are the agents of the board of directors; an agent...
Directors vote, and officers implement. In a nutshell, that is the difference between directors and officers. State law gives authority over the nonprofit corporation to the board of directors, and...
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Responsibilities of Boards of Directors For Small Nonprofits
Understand and embrace fiduciary duties of care and loyalty. Identify the mission and overall direction of the nonprofit. Plan for the nonprofit’s future, establishing a vision and values for the...