Legal Center for Nonprofits kicked off its programming last night with my presentation called “Forming the Nonprofit: Is It Right for Me?” We explored alternative paths you can follow when you have a great idea to benefit your community. If you missed it, the handout is available from our Programming Schedule page.
This was just the first of many programs we’ll be presenting over the next months. We’ve set a goal to offer at least one program on a substantive topic every month, but I hope we will be able to continue to offer 2 or more programs each month.
Some programs in the works:
- Board Meeting Basics — will give you basic information about conducting your board meetings. We’ll cover notice requirements, agendas, conducting the meeting (e.g., do you really need Robert’s Rules? Come to the program and find out!), minutes, and follow-up. This program is especially helpful if your nonprofit is a recent start-up, but it will be a great refresher too.
- Fiscal Sponsorship — Can you really “borrow” another organization’s “tax-exempt number”? How does fiscal sponsorship really work? Will it work for you? Get essential information to help you decide if a fiscal sponsorship is the best path for your project.
- 990 Analytics — what can you learn about a nonprofit from its IRS Form 990? This will be a great program for donors and grantseekers.
See our Programming Schedule for already scheduled programs.
What kinds of programs do you want to see LCN offer? Let us know.